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Vendor Opportunities

According to research firm IDC, it is estimated that by the year 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) market will grow to $1.7 trillion and consist of approximately 50 billion objects, each with its own embedded computing system and ability to interact with existing Internet infrastructure. This has serious implications -- both potential challenges and opportunities for which businesses will need to be prepared.

IoT Agenda is focused on the needs of enterprise stakeholders as they build, secure and deploy IoT products, processes and services.

As a vendor with a product that supports IoT, there are several ways for you to benefit from exposure on IoT Agenda. Our ability to attract highly focused IT, business and operational professionals provides advertisers and vendors with compelling opportunities to communicate and transact with specific target audiences.

IoT Agenda works with vendors and advertisers to create campaigns aimed at maximizing ROI on their marketing investments and driving brand awareness in the IoT market.

TechTarget offers the most targeted media and events for enterprise IT professionals, providing IT vendors with the most effective and efficient marketing vehicles. Our ROI media reaches enterprise IT decision makers and gives advertisers the payoff and performance they need to justify spending and support sales efforts.

Interested in learning more about IoT Agenda's marketing opportunities?
Contact Gabrielle DeRussy, Senior Vice President, Sales Operations, (617) 431-9603

IoT Agenda Marketing Opportunities

Become a featured blogger on IoT Agenda: Leverage the opportunity to share your thoughts with our active community of IoT buyers by contributing a monthly column to be featured on the homepage.

Brand: Interject your brand message into the minds of IT and business professionals actively conducting IoT research. 

IoT e-zine issues and other e-publications: Deliver your marketing message within highly relevant and topical editorial content utilizing our e-books, e-zines and e-guides.

Vendor content marketing: Unlimited number of vendor content assets to be promoted to pros actively researching IoT.
