
AI sharpens unified endpoint management tools and apps

Navigate the road to smarter endpoint management tools with AI

Boston was recently named one of the worst cities for rush-hour traffic in the U.S., and as a Boston commuter, I can't say I'm too surprised. The city's narrow one-way streets and complex web of intersecting highways easily get clogged.

I use GPS mobile apps such as Waze and Google Maps to avoid some of the most congested Boston streets. With the aid of AI algorithms, these apps calculate the fastest ways to get from point A to point B.

Commuting is no walk in the park, but AI is certainly making the process more bearable. Similarly, AI in unified endpoint management (UEM) tools can ease the difficult process of managing and securing various endpoints in the enterprise.

In this handbook, we'll discuss how AI and unified endpoint management tools can go hand in-hand to bolster endpoint security, monitor applications more effectively and easily onboard new devices, among other tasks. Discover how to effectively combine AI and UEM in an organization and reap the benefits of both technologies.

For IT, endpoint management doesn't have to be as painful as commuting during Boston's rush hour. But AI can make both tasks a whole lot easier.
