Billion Dollar Blindness: Why You’re Missing Revenue Opportunity in Marketing & Sales

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Why you’re still missing significant revenue opportunity in both marketing and sales—and what to do about it.

In this presentation recap, Forrester | SiriusDecisions’ Terry Flaherty and the CMOs from TechTarget and Clari will help you understand how much demand really exists in your market and design a clear approach for maximizing revenue capture.

They show how teams can increase their productivity and yields from a market, an ideal customer profile (ICP) or a set of named ABM accounts with the latest intent data and AI-driven technologies.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Assess effectiveness gaps to identify missed revenues and opportunities that fail to progress
  • Apply SiriusDecisions’ Demand Unit concept to optimize sales and marketing performance
  • Use behavioral data to identify, pursue, influence, and engage demand units within buying centers
  • Optimize treatment and capture of opportunities to accelerate pipeline
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